Genome Sequencing Projects
The Whole Genome Shotgun Sequencing Project of Okinawan and Australian crown of thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci.
version: 1.0
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version: 2.0
version: 1.0
version: 1.0
version: 1.0
version: 1.0
version: 1.0
version: 1.0
version: 1.0
version: 1.0
version: 1.0
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version: 1.1
The genome project of the scyphozoan jellyfish Aurelia aurita (moon jelly) from Atlantic ocean. The genome assembly ABSv1.0 is 377 Mbp long and consists of 2710 scaffolds with <...
version: Atlantic ocean
The genome project of the scyphozoan jellyfish Aurelia aurita (moon jelly) from Pacific ocean (laboratory strain known as "Roscoff"). The genome assembly ARSv1.0 is 429 Mbp long...
version: Pacific Ocean
The whole genome shotgun sequencing project of the siphonous green alga, Caulerpa lentillifera.
version: 1.1
Genome sequencing of Chlorella sp. A99, the symbiotic algae in hydra
Green hydra harbors symbiotic Chlorella in the endodermal epithelial cells. They established mutualistic relat...
version: 0.1
Okinawa Mozuku Genome Project 160227
version: 0.4
version: version 1.0
version: version 1.0
version: version 1.0
version: version 2
Dicyemids, previously called "mesozoans" (intermediates between unicellular protozoans and multicellular metazoans), are an enigmatic animal group. They have a highly simplified adult body, compris...
version: 8 February 2019
Symbiodinium clade D
version: 1.0
RNA sequence project of deep sea glass sponge, Euplectella aspergillum.
version: version 0.1
version: ver1.0
The genome project of Hydra viridissima strain A99
H. viridissima is the most basal species in the genus Hydra, and a symbiotic species that establishes a mutualistic relationship with mi...
version: 1.0
The genome project of the lingulid brachiopod Lingula anatina. The 425-Mb genome (3,830 scaffolds with contig N50 in 56 kbp and scaffold N50 in 294 kbp) was sequenced from male gon...
version: 1.0
Brachiopod, Lingula anatina version 2
version: 2.0
version: 1.1
version: 1.1
The genome project of the cubozoan jellyfish Morbakka virulenta (fire jellyfish). The genome assembly MVIv1.0 is 952 Mbp long and consists of 4538 scaffolds with N50=2.17...
version: version 1
Nemertean, Notospermus geniculatus
version: 2.0
version: catfish version 2018
Phoronid, Phoronis australis
version: 2.0
Chromosome-scale, haplotype-merged genome assembly (version: 3.0) of the pearl oyster. Genomic DNA was obtained from the MK (Mikimoto) individual (Takeuchi et al., 2022).
version: 3.0
Chromosome-scale, haplotype-phased genome assembly (version: 4.1A, Reference Haplotype) of the pearl oyster. Genomic DNA was obtained from the AI (Ainoshima) individual (Takeuchi et al., 2022).
version: 4.1A
Chromosome-scale, haplotype-phased genome assembly (version: 4.1B, Alternative Haplotype) of the pearl oyster. Genomic DNA was obtained from the AI (Ainoshima) individual (Takeuchi et al., 2022).
version: 4.1B
version: 1.0
The whole genome shotgun sequencing project of the acoel flatworm, Praesagittifera naikaiensis.
version: 1.0
Genomic data for Hawaiian Acornworm, Ptychodera flava.
version: v3.0
The genome project for a clade-B1 symbiodinium.
version: symb_aug_v1.120123
The genome project for a clade-A3 symbiodinium.
version: symbA.v1.0
The genome project for a clade-C symbiodinium.
version: symbC.v1.0
Archived Sequencing Projects
The whole genome shotgun sequence project of the Okinawan staghorn coral, Acropora digitifera.
version: oist_v1.1
Repetitive DNA (%): 30.43;
N50 (Mb): 1.81;
L50: 63;
GC content: 38.93;
Gap (%): 8.8;
Reads Coverage: 309;
Assembled size (Mb): 422;
Gene Number: 28,280;
Average gene length (bp): 1,330;
version: 2
Repetitive DNA (%): 34.09;
N50 (Mb): 1.39;
L50: 84;
GC content: 38.95;
Gap (%): 15.27;
Reads Coverage: 144;
Assembled size (Mb): 411;
Gene Number: 28,958;
Average gene length (bp): 1,585;
Repetitive DNA (%): 32.98;
N50 (Mb): 1.14;
L50: 103;
GC content: 38.93;
Gap (%): 9.75;
Reads Coverage: 158;
Assembled size (Mb): 407;
Gene Number: 30,776;
Average gene length (bp): 1,321;
Repetitive DNA (%): 31.92;
N50 (Mb): 1.09;
L50: 110;
GC content: 38.91;
Gap (%): 13.43;
Reads Coverage: 145;
Assembled size (Mb): 432;
Gene Number: 30,922;
Average gene length (bp): 1,306;
Repetitive DNA (%): 34.58;
N50 (Mb): 1.16;
L50: 103;
GC content: 38.93;
Gap (%): 7.51;
Reads Coverage: 188;
Assembled size (Mb): 408;
Gene Number: 26,445;
Average gene lengt...
version: 1.0
version: 1.0
version: 1.0
The whole genome shotgun sequencing project of Japanese Pearl Oyster.
version: 1.0 + 1.1
The whole genome shotgun sequencing projects of Japanese Pearl Oyster.
version: ver2.0
Under decoding